
Our Favorite Hanukkah Gifts

Hanukkah commemorates the rededication of the Temple of Jerusalem and the subsequent miracle: One day's worth of lamp oil lit the Temple's menorah for eight days. While not a traditional Hanukkah practice, gift-giving has become as much of a holiday staple as latkes, chocolate gelt, and twinkling candles. For ideas on what to give friends and family this Hanukkah, click through this gallery of our favorite Jewish-flavored presents.

For friends and family members of other faiths, check out our favorite Christmas gifts and a list of relaxing presents to help your recipients de-stress and unwind. Let the gift-giving begin!

Triple Pendant Necklace

An updated look on an old fave, this three-charm necklace combines Jewish staples: the Star of David and the Tree of Life--with iolite, the blue stone of inner knowledge. A great gift for the hip, spiritual, sparkly woman in your life. $88, Satyajewelry.com

Beeswax Hanukkah Candles

Made from no-drip, non-toxic beeswax, these hand-rolled candles allow for a lit menorah without the post-burn Hanukkah tradition: scraping wax off the table. A lovely complement to a recycled glass menorah—and a nice house gift. $20 for 45 candles, TheJewishMuseum.org

Flower Dreidel

It's a flower, it's art, it's a…dreidel? This delicate, hand-painted enamel Hanukkah top is all three and looks great both still and spinning. For the dreidel, flower, and art connoisseur. $75, TheJewishMuseum.org

An Honorary Gift

What do you bestow upon the person whose thinks the greatest gift is giving? The American Jewish World Service has an answer: Make a donation in honor of a friend or family member. While your loved one won't receive a material gift, they'll know those dollars are helping people in Africa, Asia, and the Americas move beyond poverty, illiteracy, disaster, and war. Donations start at $36, AJWS.org

Jewish Pomegranate Candlesticks

Though it lacks the juicy, fertility-symbolizing seeds of a real fruit, this aluminum pomegranate still has many uses: Split it in two to hold Shabbat candles, or unite the pieces on a table as a festive, decorative centerpiece. $65.95, Canaan-online.com

Hanukkah Swings!

Why not expand a friend's holiday repertoire with a bit of syncopation and a hint of the blues? This CD gives a new grab-your-gal meaning (and beat) to traditional Hanukkah songs like "Sevivon Sov, Sov, Sov" and "Rock of Ages." $13, Amazon.com

Recycled Glass Menorah

If you have a loved one whose hobbies include collecting tumbled sea glass, this stunning candelabra made from recycled glass might just be the perfect, earth-conscious gift. $180, VertigeGlass.com

Jewish Holiday Bingo

When they can't fit any more latkes inside their bellies, they can fill their brains with trivia. This popular game—and fun family gift—can turn anyone into a Jewish holiday wiz faster than they can say B-I-N-G-O! $13, JewishToy.com

Salt and Pepper Dreidels

For the cook who has everything. She or he can add some flavor to Hanukkah celebrations with these silverplated salt and pepper shakers in the form of dreidels. They bring new meaning to playing with your food. $20, TheJewishMuseum.org

Star of David Mosaic Puzzle

At Hanukkah gatherings, this wood, two-toned Star of David Mosaic puzzle (with a 5-inch diameter) will keep tots' inquisitive minds busy and their tiny fingers occupied. From $5, Amazon.com

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