In the Bible, God commands the Israelites: “You shall dwell in sukkot (huts) seven days... in order that future generations may know that I made the Israelite people live in sukkot when I brought them out of the land of Egypt, I the Lord your God.” (Leviticus. 23:42)

Ever since, Jews around the world have prepared for the holiday of Sukkot by building huts decorated with leaves and fruits and eaten in them to commemorate God’s protection during the Exodus and to celebrate nature’s bounty. It’s a creative, hands-on, family-centered practice with a priceless payback: good company, good food, and spiritual connection.

Beliefnet wants to gather pictures of your sukkahs for a photo gallery to feature on the site. We’ll also share your best stories about how your family and friends mark the joyous festival under the stars.

What to do:
1. Send us photos of your sukkahs
2. Write a story about it
3. Email both to the address below

Send to: editorialbeliefnet2@gmail.com

Deadline: Monday, Sept. 25, 2006


  • Email subject headline should say: My Sukkah
  • Maximum submission of 3 images per person
  • Photos of your work must be in a .jpg or .gif format
  • You must include a short description (at least 3-5 sentences) along with the photo(s) explaining how you built your sukkah and how you chose your decorations, and why it was meaningful to you.
  • Include your name, your occupation, your city/state of residency.
  • All images and writing must be original to you. If you are submitting a work that has been previously published elsewhere, please make sure there will be no conflict before submitting to us. We just want to remind you that, per our terms of service, Beliefnet trusts that you only send material you actually own (i.e., not other people's copyrighted materials) and by sending it to us, you grant us and our editorial partners the right to use it in any form.

    Thank you.

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