2016-06-30 2016-06-30
The Modern Use of Ancient Lies
By David Kertzer, The New York Times (requires registration)
The anti-Semitism flourishing in the Arab world now is strikingly similar to the European anti-Semitism of the past century. Christianity's role in promulgating modern anti-Semitism cannot be ignored.

How the War Came Home
By Amy Wilentz, New York Magazine
The surge in anti-Semitism throughout the world is making many Jews, even the most liberal-minded ones, become more focused on Jewish survival than peace. She writes, "The searing images of the conflict in Israel and the surge in anti-Semitism in Europe are breeding a tough-minded new mood among American Jews. Peace is not the most important idea now. Survival is."

The Left's Best Bet
By Naomi Klein, In These Times
An interesting analysis of anti-Semitism from a left-wing perspective. Klein writes that if the left wants to help their cause of pro-Palestinian, anti-Sharon politics, they must take the spate of anti-Semitism more seriously. She says the horrible rush of anti-Semitism only gives credence to the hard-liners' cause.

Harsh Echoes
By Ruth Gruber, Jewish Telegraphic Agency
There is ample evidence that 'traditional' anti-Semitism--racial and religous prejudice against Jews--has reemerged in Europe.

Give Back the Nobel Prize
The Nobel committee wants to revoke Shimon Peres's prize, but not Yasser Arafat's. This column suggests Nobel laureate Elie Wiesel return his prize to expose the moral corruption, and anti-Semitism, of the Nobel committee.
By Dennis Prager

'Final Solution,' Phase 2
By George Will, The Washington Post
Anti-Semitism's strength derives from its stupidity. But it's still a strong, dark force in world affairs.

Playing the Anti-Semitism Card
By Marty Jezer, AlterNet
Criticism of Israel is not necessarily anti-Semitism. But because of the common linking of the two, Jewish organizations in America are increasingly aligning themselves with the religious organizations that are in fact more problematic for Jews.

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