This Jewish web page brings a mitzvah into the cyber age.

Orthodox jews can print out this virtual chicken and wave it above their heads, symbolizing the atonement for sins.

Here's how the Orthodox Union describes the process:

"Kaparot is an ancient and mystical custom designed to imbue people with a feeling that their very lives are at stake as the holy Yom Kippur approches.

"The kaparot ceremony symbolizes our sins crying out for atonement, and as a reminder that our good deeds, charity and repentance can save us from the penalty our many sins deserve.<> "In its original form, a chicken (a white rooster for a male, hen for a female) was taken and waved over one's head while reciting proscribed verses which can be found in the Yom Kippur machzor (special prayer book). It was customary to then redeem the kaparot for money, which was given to charity."

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