DUBAI, Sept 12, 2001 (IslamOnline & News Agencies)--The Muslim world expressed condemnation Wednesday towards the attacks that occurred Tuesday in the United States, news agencies reported.

The Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) grouping 57 Muslim states condemned Wednesday the previous day's attacks on the United States, Agence France-Presse (AFP) reported.

"We condemn these savage and criminal acts which are anathema to all human conventions and values and the monotheist religions, led by Islam," OIC secretary general Abdel Wahad Belkaziz said in a statement.

Renowned Muslim scholar Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi encouraged Muslims to donate blood to the victims of the attacks and said that helping the victims with blood and money is considered a charity.

In a special interview with IslamOnline, al-Qaradawi said that any sane Muslim who abides by Islamic laws would have never caused the incident. He added that acts of terrorism are a crime regardless of the nationality or religious backgrounds of the victims.

Qaradawi said that the U.S. bias towards Israel in the Palestinian conflict, while unjust, does not provide a basis for justification for terrorist attacks, adding that the battlefield is in fact in Palestine.

"If the United States uses double standards in its judgment, Islam refuses to do so. We do not hate the American people even if we disagree with the policies of their ruling government," he said.

Libyan leader Moamer Qadhafi condemned the "terrible" attacks and said his country was ready to send aid to the American people.

"Different policies and the conflicts with America shouldn't be a psychological obstacle to sending humanitarian aid to the American people and all people in America who were profoundly affected by these terrible attacks," Qadhafi said, suggesting blood donor offerings.

Iranian President Mohammad Khatami condemned what he said was the wave of "terrorist" attacks and expressed his "deep sorrow and sympathy with the American nation."

In Egypt, President Hosni Mubarak Tuesday condemned the "attacks" and "terrorism" that struck the United States and said he was "very sad" after hearing the news.

An official source in Syria said, "Damascus condemns the destructive sabotage attacks which targeted innocent civilians in the United States, which caused serious damage to property and essential installations."

Jordan added a similar condemnation: "The Jordanian government and its people express their feelings of sorrow and present their sincerest condolences to the American people, their government, President [George W.] Bush and the families of the innocent victims of terrorist attacks that violate all religious and humanitarian values."

And the Gulf States added similar reactions.

"Saudi Arabia condemns the regrettable and inhumane explosions and attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon," a Saudi official said.

The Kuwaiti cabinet said in a statement: "Kuwait, which rejects all forms of terrorism, condemns these terrorist acts and expresses its deep sympathy to the people of the United States." Kuwait put several army, navy and air force units on a heightened state of alert.

In Doha, Qatari Foreign Minister Sheikh Hamad bin Jassem al-Thani condemned "the terrorist attacks and their serious consequences for global security."

In Abu Dhabi, Emirati Information Minister Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed al-Nahyan "strongly condemned these savage attacks," adding that "such horrible criminal acts need an extensive international campaign to eradicate all forms of terrorism."

Oman's foreign ministry said the sultanate "showed total solidarity with the United States over these terrorist acts, whose perpetrators will absolutely be punished."

And a Yemeni government spokesman said in a statement that, "Yemen strongly denounces these terrorist acts and renews its condemnation of terrorism, which threatens security and stability in the world."

Palestinian President Yasser Arafat "completely" condemned what he said was "the apparent terrorist attacks in the United States."

For its part, Baghdad said that Tuesday's terror attacks in New York were the "fruit" of American crimes, in an official statement by a commentator on Iraqi television.

"The American cowboys are reaping the fruit of their crimes against humanity, and [the attacks] are an affront to American politicians," the commentator said.

Meanwhile, security forces were put on high alert in Middle East and Asian nations.

In the world's most-populous Muslim nation, Indonesian President Megawati Sukarnoputri condemned the "brutal and indiscriminate" attacks in the United States and said her country would join the global battle against terrorism.

Security was markedly tighter around the U.S. embassy in Indonesia with about a dozen police armed with rifles on alert outside. The mission was closed Wednesday.

Police were deployed around the U.S. embassy and consulates in Pakistan, as well as the U.S. information and cultural center in Islamabad, which was the target of a rocket attack by gunmen in November 1999.

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