Reprinted with permission of Hinduism Today.

In this hour of need, grief and deep shock, our prayers, support and solidarity are with the people of the United States. We offer our deepest sympathies and prayers. May Lord Swaminarayan bless the victims whose souls have departed and give physical, emotional and spiritual strength to the survivors to overcome and recover from this catastrophe. Pramukhswami Maharaj

From this disaster we need to learn that violence is not a solution to any problem in the world. Let us have special sessions for prayer and silence with additional japa of Saumya Mantra for peace with prayer: may the minds prone to violence in all parts of the world learn the art of solving problems through nonviolence. May we all learn to forgive. May we all learn to invoke peace in our own minds and thereby evoke it in the hearts of even those who are our opponents. May the gurus of humanity continue to guide us in this direction. Swami Veda Bharati

We in the Chinmaya Mission are with them in their hour of grief and pray that they find the strength and courage to face this grim situation. Swami Tejomayananda

For the time being, marks of identification, such as Hindu ladies wearing a bindi on their forehead should be worn by Hindus to protect themselves against misdirected hate crimes. Mr. C.B. Satpathy, devotee of Shirdi Sai Baba

At this juncture our only bounden Duty is to identify our prayerful hearts with the innocent, harmless and helpless victims and their beloved ones, our tearful eyes and the bleeding hearts of the relatives and friends have already touched the Compassion-Feet of our Absolute Lord Beloved Supreme. He is with His Infinity1s Compassion-Affection-Love-Sweetness-Fondness taking care of His supremely chosen children who have recently arrived at His Heaven-Home. May America the Beautiful forever shine bright-brighter-brightest in the Heart of God the Creator and God the creation. Sri Chinmoy

My darling children: at this critical time, the leaders and we need to practice discrimination and self-restraint. If we do not do so, many more lives will be lost. We should all sit down and pray for the welfare and peace of the whole world. This is how we can help all of our brothers and sisters. Mata Amritanandamayi (Ammachi)

There are two possible responses to what has occurred. The first comes from love, the second from fear. If we come from fear we may panic and do things

My dear children! Today, we are in need of upliftment of human values, which is true religion. With unbarred humane outlook, through love and compassion, one can soften his heart and purify himself. Let your hearts be wide open with pure love and universal brotherhood. May the human hearts be with rich principles of unity, peace, integrity and equanimity. My blessings are always there to those who have suffered from the disaster and others who have escaped it. Let the latter spend at least a part of their time in practicing Dharma which alone helps them realize the Truth leading to universal peace. Amma Karunamayi

It is imperative that we pray and offer solace and help to eachother. But if you and I are having a single thought of violence or hatred against anyone in the world at this moment, we are contributing to the wounding of the world. Deepak Chopra

Meditate on the suffering millions and dedicate everything for them. To rebuild the nation we, the Indians, should do the best of its kind in the form of money, service and hard work. Swami Sathyananda Saraswathi of the Sree Rama Dasa Mission

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