Need a Miracle? Ask in Prayer
Prayer is a conduit for connecting to a loving, universal force most of us call God. It’s about opening your heart, mind and spirit to receive a higher wisdom and to be influenced and guided by it. A prayer is a request for connection, love, healing and instruction from a wise and divine presence. When you tune into God and allow God to flow through you, your mind and heart become open to inspired ideas and actions.
We often learn to pray authentic prayers when we’re in a crisis, when life has turned upside down. “There are no atheists in foxholes,” as the saying goes. We need help and our own limited, mortal mind cannot make sense of what’s happened to us, or help us find the nearest exit to escape our misery. Matthew Anderson, author of The Prayer Diet, writes, “Our prayer does not emerge from our hearts and fly out into the nothingness of space. It is heard without hesitation by a God who cares unconditionally about every aspect of our lives.”