Love Others
If someone walked up to your kid, and right in front of you, just slapped the mess out of them, for no good reason other than they wanted to, how would that affect your relationship with that person? If someone hurts your kid, would that negatively affect their relationship with you as the parent? Absolutely. You can do whatever you want to a parent, but you better not mess with someone’s kids or you’re going to have to answer to them.
Now, don’t miss this: every single human walking on this planet has a Heavenly Father who loves them unconditionally. If we want to have a better relationship with the Heavenly Father, then we need to stop slapping his kids around. Some of us mistreat, abuse, degrade, manipulate and hurt other people, and then we wonder why God won’t speak to us. We’re slapping his kids in the face. You want to grow closer to others? Treat his children, every other person on this planet, including your family, your boss, your teachers, your ex-spouse, with the respect they deserve.