
Read the Bible with them

Beginner bibles with pictures are best for younger children. Now, they’re not only reading words, they’re imagining them and connecting with those experiences.

Listen to fun, Christian music

Whether it’s a Christian Kidz Bop soundtrack or a powerful Gospel album, kids connect with music. Play energizing Christian tunes on the road and at home. Next thing you know, they’ll be singing your favorite Christian tunes!

Help them memorize scripture

It’s best to get children memorizing scripture early. Start with easy verses like Matthew 6:24 (No one can ever serve two masters). This helps them to not only discover God’s character but also their own.


While we can do everything in our power to get our children reading the bible and in a church pew, always remember that God is in control. Pray that your child will love Christ with all their heart, soul, and mind and that they will always be excited about his Word.

Apply Christ to the real world

While the Bible is filled with amazingly cool stories, the bigger message that comes from each of those stories leaves the greatest impact. If you connect those stories with real world experiences, children will see how Jesus relates to their personal lives.

Take them to Sunday School

Whether your child is young or old, Sunday School is a great starting point. This is a place where kids are around others who are energized about Christ. It won’t be long before they’re sharing scripture with you and praying at bedtime on their own.

Discover their interests

If your child loves action, love, drama and adventure, the bible provides all those elements and more. Once you learn their interests, encourage them to read stories on those topics. Next thing you know, they’ll be sharing stories with you that you’ve never even read!

Get them involved in Christian summer programs

An awesome Vacation Bible School or mission trip experience is enough to get any child amped about Christ. Not only does it provide an opportunity for great memories, it allows them to be Christ’s hands and voice in the world. What’s better than that?

Let them explore other churches

If you’ve ever struggled getting your teen excited about Christ, letting them visit other churches with friends is a great opportunity for kids to get reenergized about Christ. Many youth ministries and Christian after school clubs in high schools reach young people in ways some church can’t.

Show them your excitement

Remember, we are what we show and repeatedly do. If you are energized every time you mention the Father’s name, that joy will resonate.

15 Inspirational Prayers For Memorial Day
We are honored to remember the many brave men and women who have given their lives throughout the history of our great nation – those who made the ultimate sacrifice to protect us from harm. We salute all those now serving and we raise these prayers for their safety and blessing. Read next feature >
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