Parole Ghent. Countersigns Holland, Ireland.

For the day tomorrow
Major Ashley.
Brigd. Qr. Master 3d. Massa. Brigade.
For duty the 2d. Massachusetts regiment.

In justice to the zeal and ability of the Chaplains, as well as to his own feelings, the Commander in chief thinks it a duty to declare the regularity and decorum with which divine service is now performed every sunday, will reflect great credit on the army in general, tend to improve the morals, and at the same time, to increase the happiness of the soldiery, and must afford the most pure and rational entertainment for every serious and well disposed mind.

No fatigue except on extra occasions, nor General review or inspections to be permitted on the Sabbath day.

A Packet Boat will set out from the Continental Dock at Newburgh tomorrow morning at ten o'clock precisely, for Westpoint, and will leave Westpoint precisely at 4 o'clock in the after noon. This packet will continue to ply between those places every day, and will leave them at the hours above mentioned.

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