
Does you feel the aches of stress? Take a few moments to ask your angel to bathe you in rejuvenating white light. Let your anxiety and pain fade into soothing serenity.

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Meditation Transcript

Place your hands together and pray in whatever way you feel comfortable.

Pray for healing, balancing, purification.

Feel your hands become warm. They are filled with white light.

Concentrate on your hands filled with light.

And now, we will heal ourselves.

Ask your guardian angel to help you find health and balance.

As you place your hands on each body part, feel and see it infused with glowing white light.

Place your hands on your right leg and say: I heal and purify myself with the divine light.

[Long OM]

Place your hands on your left leg and say: I heal and purify myself with the divine light.

[Long OM]

Place your hands on your right shoulder and go on and say: I heal and purify myself with the divine light.

[Long OM]

Place your hands on your left shoulder and say: I heal and purify myself with the divine light.

[Long OM]

Place your hands on your upper belly and say: I heal and purify myself with the divine light.

[Long OM]

Place your hands on your heart and say: I heal and purify myself with the divine light.

[Long OM]

Place your hands on top of your head and bring them together in front of you.

Feel the white light pour through your whole body, filling you with healing and balancing and say: I heal and purify myself with the divine light.

[Long OM]

Touch the ground with your hands and see all of the negative energy that you have banished with the white light, flow into the earth. Offer a prayer to heal yourself and to help all those who suffer in the world.

Sit and breathe deeply.

Feel one with your guardian angel.

Doreen Virtue
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