
"May our Almighty Lord and Savior, who taught us that He is with us always, hold, comfort, and deliver these seven astronauts, along with their families into eternal peace. May He give them eternal rest."
2/1/03 12:08

"May their souls be bound up in the spirit of life."
2/1/03 12:41

"Sweet Jesus, please be with the families and friends of those killed in this tragic event. Please be with them and comfort them, especially the Israeli family, who are far from home and have just been hurt very deeply.

'Peace I leave with you, My peace I give unto you, not as the world giveth, giveth I unto you'- Jesus Christ"
2/1/03 13:28

"May the compassionate arms of Kannon hold the loved ones of the crew members and carry them through this time of grief. Homage to the Buddha, homage to the Dharma, homage to the Sangha."
2/1/03 13:46

"In the face of this tragedy, let us not forget to celebrate the spirit, love and commitment of the people who died so abruptly today. In group photos their faces shine with the joy of knowing that something they had dreamed of, something that most people will never have the opportunity or talent or courage to do, they DID. They did not die having lived 'unlived' lives, they did not die without having made a significant contribution to all of mankind.

I hope their families are comforted by this knowledge in the days to come.

May we all show such courage, love and commitment in our own lives today."
2/1/03 14:16

"In memory of Col. Ilan Ramon z"l - you have been an inspiration and a glimmer of hope for a better future to a whole country. Let us stand united in this time of mourning.Condolences to the families of all the courageous astronauts."
2/1/03 15:20

"I pray that Allah (swt) will bless the seven brave humans who died, and will comfort their families and friends in their time of need."
2/1/03 15:26

"My heart breaks today. I pray that god brings healing to the families of the astronauts and to the whole world as we mourn."
2/1/03 15:38

"Dear God, in the name of your son Jesus, I pray that you will receive the souls or the crew of this shuttle and lead them into your precious Heaven, and please give comfort and faith to their families. Amen"
2/1/03 18:06

"Both Judaism and Islam teach that the death of one human being is as the death of the whole world. The saving of a single life is the act of saving the whole world.

May the loss of seven who explored the mysteries of this life inspire us to continue to fulfill our mission - the never-ending quest for knowledge and truth."
2/1/03 20:23

"I suddenly found myself reliving the day 17 years ago when I found out about the Challenger disaster... 17 years ago I wrote to NASA asking to be the first kid in space, I received a letter telling me to wait until I grew up. Now I'm grown up and life has lead me into the medical and scientific fields, but i have never forgotten my dream. Today I relived the wrenching pain again. I can only offer my deepest sympathy to the families, friends and fellow workers of the Columbia. To the brave seven: I, like you, have always wanted to touch the stars, but you, unlike me, now are blessed to dwell among them. May God bless and keep your loved ones and provide NASA with the wisdom to understand and correct the cause of this accident, may He give them peace."
2/1/03 21:25

"Adonay natan, ve'Adonay lekah; yehi shem Adonay me'vorakh. ('The Eternal has given, the Eternal has taken away, blessed be the Name of the Eternal.')

May it be Your will, O God, to provide eternal rest and peace to the souls of Mission Commander Rick Husband, Pilot William McCool, Payload Commander Michael Anderson, Mission Specialist David Brown, Mission Specialists Laurel Clark, former combat pilot Col. Ilan Ramon and Indian-born Kalpana Chawla. Help them pass gently to the World to Come; enfold them with love."
2/2/03 00:26

"Today my 6-year-old son found out what the word hero means. To all the families thank you for giving us your best, our prayers are with you now and always."
2/2/03 00:46

"May this tragedy remind us to live in the moment, and embrace life as it comes to us, one moment at a time. To those closest to the victims, your suffering is our suffering. Your pain is our pain, the world shares in your burden."

2/2/03 04:33

"Our Heavenly Father, we pray that you would comfort and console all those that lost loved ones on Columbia.

We thank you for this time as it brings us closer together as a nation and with other nations that lost heroes. Help us to always be cognitive and sensitive to the loss felt by others. Let us always be a comforter to those who are suffering.

As our nation teeters on the brink of war, keep in our minds and hearts the loss and suffering we are feeling now. May we never purposely inflict this pain and suffering on others."
2/2/03 10:35

"Space travel happens so often that you forget that it is a risky endeavor. They were so close to home, just 16 min away. We will find out what happened structurally, but why it happened spiritually who knows. It was good to see the crew multiethnic, multireligious, multinational, and both genders. Generations before had a dream...and we see the dream of a better society coming true. Peace be to the crew wherever they are. Love surround them. You did what you came to do on earth. Be our angels and watch over us on earth."
2/2/03 15:35

"I pray that the souls of the lost astronauts may find their ways home, guided by the everloving Spirit, and that their families and friends may find comfort and hope to help them through this terrible time. May the Columbia and her crew rest in peace. Blessed be."
2/3/03 05:52

"I pray for all the families and friends of the shuttle crew. May God and his angels comfort them, guide them and touch every heart that has been affected by this tragedy. Sending love and light energy to all. God Bless"
2/3/03 11:08

"May their life energy combine with the universal conciousness and contribute to global peace. Namaste."
2/3/03 11:22

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