House Blessing
God bless the corners of this house,
And be the lintel blest;
And bless the hearth and bless the board
And bless each place of rest;
And bless each door that opens wide
To strangers and to kin;
And bless each crystal window pane
That lets the starlight in;
And bless the rooftree overhead
And every sturdy wall,
The peace of man, the peace of God,
The peace of love on all.
Author Unknown

Prayer Blessing
May the Warm Winds of Heaven
Blow softly upon your house.
May the Great Spirit
Bless all who enter there.
May your Mocassins
Make happy tracks
in many snows,
and may the Rainbow
Always touch your shoulder.


Blessing of Wine
Bless, O Lord, this drink which Thou hast created, that it may be a salutary remedy for all who partake of it, and grant that all who taste of it may, by invoking Thy holy name, receive health for body and soul. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Blessings of Brigit
Brigit daughter of Dugall the Brown
Son of Aodh son of Art son of Conn
Son of Criara son of Cairbre son of Cas
Son of Cormac son of Cartach son of Conn.

Each day and each night
That I say the Descent of Brigit.
I shall not be slain,
I shall not be sworded,
I shall not be put in a cell,
I shall not be hewn,
I shall not be riven,
I shall not be anguished,
I shall not be wounded,
I shall not be ravaged,
I shall not be blinded,
I shall not be made naked,
I shall not be left bare,
Nor will Christ
Leave me forgotten.

Nor fire shall burn me,
Nor sun shall burn me,
Nor moon shall blanch me.

Blessing of a Water Supply
O Lord, Almighty God, who hast given us an ample supply of water, led off by pipes from this source, grant that, by Thy assistance and blessing and our cooperation, every diabolical attack and confusion may be kept off and that this water supply may always be pure and uncontaminated. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Blessing of Any Vehicle of Travel
May Christ our true God, through the intercession of His all-pure Mother, through the protection of the bodiless powers, of the holy, glorious and all-praiseworthy Apostles, and of Saint Nicholas, and all the Saints, have mercy on us and save us, as he is good and loves mankind.
Eastern Orthodox

Blessing a Person
May you have the strength
of eagles' wings,
The faith and courage to
fly to new heights,
And the wisdom
of the universe
to carry you there

Native American

Blessing of the Hearth
Lord, God, Almighty Father, eternal Light and Creator of all lights, bless this new fire. Grant that after the darkness of this world, we may come with pure hearts to Thee, the never-falling Light. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.


Morning Blessings
When he wakes he says: `My God, the soul which You have placed in me is pure. You have fashioned it in me, You breathed it into me, and You preserve it within me and you will one day take it from me and restore it to me in the time to come. So long as the soul is within me I give thanks to You, Adonai, my God, and the God of my fathers, Sovereign of all worlds, Lord of all souls. Blessed are You, Adonai, who restores souls to dead corpses.'

When he hears the cock crowing he should say: `Blessed is He who has given to the cock understanding to distinguish between day and night.'

When he opens his eyes he should say: `Blessed is He who opens the eyes of the blind.'

When he stretches himself and sits up he should say: `Blessed is He who loosens the bound.'

When he dresses he should say: `Blessed is He who clothes the naked.'

When he draws himself up he should say: `Blessed is He who raises the bowed.'

When he steps on to the ground he should say: `Blessed is He who spreads the earth on the waters.'

When he commences to walk he should say: Blessed is He who makes firm the steps of man.'

When he ties his shoes he should say: `Blessed is He who has supplied all my wants...'


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