Studies cited in the article, Can You Pray Your Way to Health? by Gregg Easterbrook:

The Byrd study. Byrd, Randolph. "Positive Therapeutic Effects of Intercessory Prayer in a Coronary Care Unit Population." Southern Medical Journal 81 (1988): 826-829.

The Harris study. Harris, William, et al. "A Randomized, Controlled Trial of the Effects of Remote Intercessory Prayer on Outcomes in Patients Admitted to the Coronary Care Unit." Archives of Internal Medicine 159: 2273-2278.

Lower blood pressure than a control group. Koenig H., et al. "The Relationship Between Religious Activities and Blood Pressure in Older Adults." International Journal of Psychological Medicine 28 (1998): 189-213.

Women in a risk group. Levin, Jeffrey, et al. "Prayer and Health During Pregnancy: Findings From the Galveston Low Birth Weight Study." Southern Medical Journal 86(9) (1993): 1022-1027.

1,000 seriously ill men. Koenig, Harold, et al. "Religion and the Survival of 1,010 Hospitalized Veterans." Journal of Religion and Health 37(1) (1999): 15-29.

Prayer accelerated recovery from depression caused by illness. Propst L.R, et al. "Religious Values and Psychotherapy and Mental Health." Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 60 (1992): 94-103.

Prayer accelerated recovery from anxiety disorder. Azhar M.Z. et al. "Religious Psychotherapy in Anxiety Disorder Patients." Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica 90 (1994): 1-3.

Other academic, peer-reviewed studies have also found. Koenig, Harold, et al. "Religiosity and Remission of Depression in Medically Ill Older Patients." American Journal of Psychiatry 155(4) (1998): 536-42.
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