Sunday morning rolls around and the alarm goes off. You stumble out of your morning snooze and peek into your kids' bedrooms. They're sleeping soundly and you wonder if it's really worth waking them up to go to church. With school and all their activities they have so few chances to sleep in. But in your heart you know they need church, too. So you persevere and tell them it's time to get ready. They're not happy about this. The bed is warm and sleep feels so good. The whining kicks in.
Or you may face this scenario. It's Sunday morning and the alarm goes off. You see the sun shining and think this is the perfect day for that hike up the mountain, or a chance to ski down it. The kids would have so much fun. You rationalize, "This would be a good family time. We need to have fun together, and the kids would really enjoy it." It seems to have more appeal than a sermon from the pulpit. Like an industrial size magnet, temptation is pulling you toward the mountain. But then that little voice inside says, "The preacher will not be on the mountain. They need to learn about God." You know that you and they need to be in church.
Here are seven reasons why you and your children need to attend church on a regular basis.
1. Honor God’s Commandment
One of the Ten Commandments is, "Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy." Attending church is an act of obedience that honors God's holy day. It provides a time to rest from daily labors and embrace a place of peace and solace.
2. Learn God’s Expectations
At church, you and your children learn what God expects of you and how you should treat others. This spiritual guidance helps instill a moral compass for navigating life’s challenges.
3. Protect Your Children From Harmful Influences
Research shows that children who attend church regularly are significantly less likely to use alcohol, tobacco, or drugs, or to be involved in crimes. This positive influence alone is a compelling reason to take your place in the pews.
4. Build a Supportive Community
Attending church connects you to a community of like-minded friends. Associating with others who share your faith fosters lasting relationships for you and your children, while providing them with a pool of good and decent friends.
5. Teach the Joy of Serving Others
Church offers opportunities for both adults and children to serve others. Through service projects, children learn to care about others and discover the joy of looking beyond themselves to meet the needs of those around them.
6. Draw Strength From Stories of Faith
Through sermons and lessons, you learn how others in the past have struggled through life's challenges and triumphed with faith. These stories, along with personal testimonies from fellow churchgoers, provide inspiration and strengthen your own faith, helping you face life’s difficulties with courage.
7. Experience a Happier, More Purposeful Life
Church grounds you in moral principles that guide your actions and decisions. By living in alignment with these teachings, you increase your potential for achieving worthy goals, making your life richer, fuller, and more fulfilling.
Make it a Habit
If it's a weekly habit it will be much easier, and the rewards will be greater. Prepare the night before by helping the kids choose and set out appropriate clothes, take a Saturday night bath, and anticipate the opportunity of attending church as a family. Make it a joyful occasion. If children see parents enjoying activity in the church, they will be more likely to follow that example throughout their lives.