Troparion, Tone One
When the glorious disciples were enlightened at the washing of their feet before the supper, then the impious Judas was darkened, ailing with avarice, and to the lawless judges he betrays Thee, the Righteous Judge. Behold, O lover of money, this man who because of money hanged himself. Flee from the greedy soul which dared such things against the Master. O Lord Who are good towards all men, glory to Thee!
Kontakion, Tone Two
With his hands the betrayer receives the bread. With his hands he secretly receives the silver, the price of Him Who fashioned man with His hands; so the servant and deceiver Judas remains depraved.
Holy and Great Friday
Troparion, Tone Eight
When the thief beheld the Author of Life hanging upon the cross, he said: "If it were not God in the flesh crucified here with us, The sun would not have hidden his rays nor would the earth have quaked and trembled, But remember me in Thy kingdom, O long-suffering Lord!"
Kontakion, Tone Four
Come, let us all sing the praises of Him Who was crucified for us, For Mary said when she beheld Him upon the tree, Though Thou dost endure the cross, Thou art my Son and my God.
Holy and Great Saturday
from "Lord, I Call", tone Two
Today hell cries out groaning: I should not have accepted the Man born of Mary. He came and destroyed my power. He shattered the gates of brass. As God, He raised the souls that I had held captive. Glory to Thy cross and resurrection, O Lord.
Today, hell cries out groaning: My dominion has been shattered. I received a dead man as one of the dead, but against Him I could not prevail. From eternity I had ruled the dead, but behold, He raised all. Because of Him do I perish. Glory to Thy cross and resurrection, O Lord.
Today hell cries out groaning: My power has been trampled upon. The Shepherd is crucified and Adam is raised. I have been deprived of those whom I ruled. Those whom I swallowed in my strength I have given up. He Who was crucified has emptied the tombs. The power of death has been vanquished. Glory to Thy cross and resurrection, O Lord.
Tone 6: Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.
The great Moses mystically foreshadowed this day, when he said: God blessed the seventh day. This is the blessed Sabbath. This is the day of rest, on which the only-begotten Son of God rested from all His works. He kept the Sabbath in the flesh, through the dispensation of death. But on this day, He returned again through the resurrection. He has granted us eternal life, for He alone is good, the lover of man.
Now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen.
Let us praise the virgin, Mary, the gate of heaven, the glory of the world, tshe song of the angels, the beauty of the faithful. She was born of man yet gave birth to God. She was revealed as the heaven, as the temple of the Godhead. She destroyed the wall of enmity. She commenced the peace, she opened the kingdom. Since she is our foundation of faith, our defender is the Lord Whom she bore. Courage! Courage! O people of God! For Christ will destroy our enemies, since He is all powerful.