
Thou Shall Not

We all can laugh at this sign because none of us are perfect. We all have sinned against God and His list of commandments. God told us many times we shouldn’t do something, but like little kids we did it anyway. Oops! Temptation can get the best of us.

Fix All Problems With Duct Tape

We all know people who use duct tape to try and fix everything. It’s a miracle product, but it can’t fix our sins. God gave us Jesus, who was persecuted and put on a cross with nails, to save our souls. No way duct tape would be able to do that.

Try Jesus

Jesus is the only way to go, but if for some reason He just doesn’t work out for you then the devil will always be there. The enemy wants to tempt each of us and drag us down, but one you try having Jesus in your life you won’t ever look back.

Make a Choice

This one gets right to the point. If you don’t turn to Christianity and accept Jesus into your life, then you will spend eternity burning in hell. While this one is a little more blunt, it’s quick and short rhyme made us laugh out loud.

Using God's Name in Vain

Have you sat in traffic and yelled phrases like “God damn” in the heat of the moment? Well if you keep doing it, God might just make that traffic jam a few minutes longer. We can’t help but laugh when we think of God’s frustration when we use His name in vain.


The ATM machine actually can stand for something else. ATM in this instance means atonement, truth and mercy. All these are great things that Christianity can give us. This church knows how to play with words and reach a larger group of people with their funny sign.

Weather Forecast

Instead of checking the weather this morning, just check out this sign. God will reign and the Son will shine! What a great play on words that will have everyone who drives by it laughing. This is made even funnier with the realization that God can actually change the weather, like He did in the Bible.

Exposure to God

When you expose yourself to Christianity and the Lord, it will keep you from burning in Hell! Just like sunblock will prevent you from burning from the sunshine. We will head right into this church to help keep ourselves protected!

Born Again

This is a great way to reach those who are not Christians. One problem you have without Jesus in your life might be low self-esteem. Choosing to be a born-again Christian, and follow God, will help you to love the person that you were born to be.

A Terrible Party

If you want to be tempted by the devil and follow him, you will realize that the party in hell won’t be that great. Instead, you will end up being the barbeque! This one made us giggle at the thought of everyone who thinks hell would be a fun place to go.

Proud Parent

This one reminds us that God loves each of us so much because we are His children. Like a proud parent, God would keep a photo of you hanging up on His refrigerator. This one is cute and makes us feel loved, while also making us smile and giggle.

Counting Sheep

Do you spend hours lying in bed trying to count sheep? Talk to the Lord, our Shepherd, instead. He will be able to give you true peace and rest. This is a great one to show to non-Christian friends to help them laugh, and convince them to give Jesus a try.

6 Ways Jesus Dealt With Anger
We can learn a lot from Jesus’ example. Read next feature >
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