
Grayson Kirby – Defied the odds of 5% survival chance

The Kirby Family truly believes in the power of prayer and God’s miraculous ability to heal. After a horrific car accident that gave Grayson a less than 5% chance to live, he defied all medical odds by waking out of a 10-day coma. The family mobilized an army of digital prayer warriors that kept faith and did not give up, “We have been hearing from people all around the world – Germany, Ireland, Korea, Australia sending their prayers,” his mom Karen Kirby said. “Miracles happen every day. His story has helped restore faith.”

Jacob Boger – Cancer free after hearing God’s voice

For Jacob, overcoming stage 4 cancer took more than modern medicine…he needed an act of God. His doctors told him that his chances of living beyond the next four years were 30% to 40%.  That’s when faith kicked in. Boger says he made a conscious decision to entrust God with the situation, “I had confidence that my prayers were going to be answered, and that God was a healer and was going to take care of me.” He decided to stop chemotherapy treatments after hearing God’s voice tell him to stop. Shortly after, he became cancer-free. He encourages others to make sure God is moving in their life before refusing medical treatment.

John Smith – Dead 45 minutes but God…

14-year-old John Smith was dead for 45 minutes after spending 15 minutes underwater in a frozen lake. Doctors tried for nearly a half-hour to revive him, to no avail. But then his mother began to tug on the Spirit of God through petition prayer, “I don’t remember what all I said,” recalls John’s mom Joyce Smith. “But I remember ‘Holy God, please send your Holy Spirit to save my son. I want my son, please save him,”’ she said. Shortly after she heard, “we got a pulse, we got a pulse.” John is walking, getting physical therapy and shows no signs of brain damage. All doctors can say is, “It’s a bonafide miracle.”

D’Zhana Simmons – 118 days with no heart

While in between heart transplants this young patient managed to live for more than 100 days without a heart. When D’Zhana's new heart was malfunctioning surgeons performed an emergency removal. Then inserted in it’s place an artificial pumping device to promote blood flow until the next transplant opportunity…leaving her completely heartless. “I truly believe it’s a miracle,” her mother said after doctors performed what in the past “could have been lethal.” 

Baby Jamie – Loving touch & mom’s relentless love

When expectant parents Kate and David Ogg gave birth to twins at 26 weeks, they received the devastating news that they’re baby boy, Jamie, didn’t make it. Kate’s motherly instinct kicked in. She grabbed her son and pressed him against her chest. Her husband joined her, removing his clothes to provide the child with body heat. To their surprise the baby started moving, opened his eyes and shook his father’s hand for the first time. The twins are now happy and healthy gearing up for kindergarten.

Alcides Moreno – Falls 47 floors and walks again

After falling 47 feet down from a window washing assignment gone bad, Moreno endured multiple fractures including his legs, ribs and both legs. “He had injuries on his brain, his spinal column, his chest and abdomen,” said Dr.
Phillip Barie, chief of critical care at New York-Presbyterian Hospital Weill Cornell. Moreno was in a vegative state for close to three weeks and started to show signs of consciousness on Christmas day. A month later he was discharged expected to walk again within the year. His wife Rosario attributes her husband’s godly lifestyle and divine timing to him making it through, “He keeps telling me that it just wasn’t his time,” she said. “God knows when it’s his time, and it wasn’t his time.”

8 Prayers For Those Who Have Lost Loved Ones
Have you lost a loved one recently or know someone who has? If you have, you know how difficult it can be. Here are nine prayers that will help you through this tough time and connect you with God when you need him the most. Read next feature >
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