2016-05-12 2016-05-12
Victoria Osteen

"It's about a King and a Kingdom," says Evangelist Victoria Osteen about her children's book Unexpected Treasures at Sharpe Health School in Washington, DC. The school's principal Savetria Francis welcomes Osteen and shows her the facility, " It's a great opportunity to have her here to read one of her very own books to the students. It gives them a chance to interact with an author. We're delighted!" The entire Osteen crew is in the DC area spreading the love of Christ in tangible ways throughout the city. Generation Hope, under the leadership of Lakewood Church Youth and Young Adult Pastor Nick Nilson, is participating in outreach service events transforming schools, parks, community centers and illustrating what it means to be a follower of Jesus Christ. "This is my part!" says Victoria Osteen. " It is my desire to break the destructive generational cycle of illiteracy in the home by focusing on the children. Reading to your child has so much value as a parent because it opens the lines of communication."

She enters a room full of excited children, parents and school staff and begins to read her book to the crowd. The main characters in the book, Captain John and First Mate Sue, travel through the story lifting the spirits of children they meet along their deep sea travels. They encourage them to keep their thoughts anchored on Christ and their faith firm in God. Before she finishes Osteen leaves the children with a promise that there is a special treasure placed inside of each of them and reminds them all that they are loved by God. "I read to my children and now they love to read," says Osteen with a warm smile. "I encourage parents to carve out just 20 minutes a day. It helps you learn more about them and really opens the door for you to speak into their life!"

The culminating event for this weekend is America's Night of Hope at DC National Park where both Joel and Victoria will take the gift of Hope and share it with thousands. To learn more about the Osteens America's Night of Hope events go to www.joelosteen.com/events.

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