
people man praying in field1 Corinthians 12:27 says “All of you together are Christ’s body, and each one of you is a separate and necessary part of it”. As this verse reminds us, all Christians are called to love and serve the body of Christ. We are a necessary part of it. While many of us say we are committed to serving the body of Christ, intentionality is the hard part. Being connected to a church family is important, but where we really build up the body of Christ is in our service, which is essential to the body of Christ. Many of us are comfortable sitting in the pews on Sundays listening to the pastor’s message, sharing the peace or hugging our neighbor, and placing our dollars or checks in the offering plate, but when it comes to serving the body of Christ, it’s not always the easiest task. Why? Because serving those we don’t know is outside of our comfort zone. However, serving the community of God is essential to building the body of Christ. If you’re looking to creatively serve the body of Christ, here are six amazing ways:

Be A Greeter: People often forget how important the role of a greeter is alongside other church roles, but the role of greeter is vital to any church. They are the first person someone sees when they enter a church. If a person is walking into a church for the first time, the way they are greeted is a big deal and can make or break a person’s desire to want to come back to your church. Sign up to be a greeter if there’s a greeting ministry team at your church. If there isn’t, take it upon yourself to smile and say hello to as many people as you can who walk through your church’s doors. Remember, we have the privilege of showing the joy of Christ the minute someone comes through the church doors. I can still remember the gentleness and warmness I received from a loving couple the first day my mom and I walked through the front doors of the church we were visiting. I’ve now been a member there for 16 years. These greetings can leave a lasting impression and really reflect the spirit of Jesus and your church.

Start a Church Ministry Group: Is there a gift or a passion you have to help a particular group of people inside or outside of your church? If so, start up a new small group ministry team that is committed to assisting a particular area of need, that is also willing to go out and be Christ’s hands and voice in the community surrounding your church. Through the history of the church, small groups have played a vital role and these groups have influenced countless lives by helping the church grow and reach thousands, while also creating the closeness of a small community. Pray and ask for God’s guidance before you decide to take on this task. Remember, if you’re starting or re-launching a group, it does take a lot of work and intentionality so make sure this is something you’re truly committed to building up. Also know that when you start this group us, you’ll be providing ongoing support for your church leaders who are constantly working to build the church ministry. The reward of creating a small group ministry is twofold: it builds others up in the body of Christ, while also building you up in Christ.

Serving at a Soup Kitchen, Food or Homeless Shelter: What better way to serve the body of Christ than helping those in need? Serving or ministering to the poor is what we are called to do as followers of Christ. We are called by God to exercise the gifts we’ve been given, which includes helping the poor and needy. We serve Christ by being His hands and feet by serving those in soup kitchens, food or homeless shelters. When you go to these places, let the people know that they are loved by Jesus and that they are loved by God. Don’t think of it as a task, but as an experience where you can let the love of Christ pour out from you, and your joy overflow. Remember, we’re not just serving physical food, but spiritual food too. When they see that you are connected with Christ, they can see Him reflected in what you’re doing.

Become a Prayer Warrior: Many of us will say there is “power in prayer” and “prayer changes things” but how many of us are intentional about praying, not only for our own needs, but also for the needs of others? Another great and powerful way to serve the body of Christ is to become a prayer warrior. A prayer warrior Is a term used by many Christians to refer to those who are committed to praying for others. As a prayer warrior you can be intentional about praying for the specific needs of others. This can be the needs of members of your congregation. This can also be prayers for strangers you meet. I’ll never forget the time a stranger approached me and after conversing for a little while on the street asked if he could pray for me. I was initially caught off guard, but felt a strange sense of calmness as if the Spirit was working through Him through his prayer and eventually working through me. These prayers can be offered silently, and they can also be offered out loud. Ask God’s will to be done in whatever situation they are faced with. Sometimes, your prayer can help the person understand prayer in a way they never have before, or feel God’s presence in a way they never have before.

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