Bible Study

In the modern world people are staying busier than ever. We rarely feel like we have time to get everything we want to done, so things get pushed off to the side. When we don’t prioritize properly, we sometimes take time away from the most important aspect of our life: our faith.

Matthew 10:37-39 says “Anyone who loves their father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me; anyone who loves their son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me. Whoever does not take up their cross and follow Me is not worthy of Me. Whoever finds their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life for My sake will find it.”

Keeping God first in your life should trump anything else you have going on. It will transform your life into ways you didn't think were possible. This is easier said than done, but with these tips you’ll build a stronger relationship with Him that will keep Him in your number one spot.

Work on building an intimate relationship with God.

How are you supposed to keep God as your first priority if you don't even know who He is? Make it your goal to have a deep, intimate relationship with God and to let Him into every area of your life. If you constantly look to other people for answers and validation, you will find that you feel empty. When we ask the Lord instead, and look to Him for guidance, we are rejuvenated. As we live to please God, He promises to bless our lives and make us prosper.

Have a "what would Jesus do" mindset.

Anyone that grew up in a church knows the popular phrase "what would Jesus do?" It's not only a typical Christian cliché, but a very powerful mindset to keep. When we choose to actively think as Jesus did, we make decisions that would honor the Lord. Jesus taught us to be calm, to stay level headed, and to make the tough choices when we are faced with adversity. Surround yourself with Christian friends that can help hold you accountable for your actions and behaviors when they don’t represent the Lord.

Use your talents for Him.

Everything we have, we have received from God. This includes our talents, abilities, and gifts. God put a lot of intentional thought into designing each of us for a unique purpose. What is your purpose? What were you created to do? How do your personality, abilities, and spiritual gifts complement each other? Take some time to think about the way God wired you and how that could be used for the greater good. You might have a knack with working with young children, and would be a great asset to your church nursery, for example. Take the talents to make an impact on God's kingdom, instead of focusing on your own.

Pray daily.

The Bible makes it clear that prayer is essential. Begin each day with a prayer to God, thanking Him for another day and asking for guidance to cope with the ups and downs that are sure to come. Starting the day with Christ is the best way to set your day in motion, because He will be first on your mind. In Jeremiah 29:12, the Lord reminds us that He is always listening. It reads: "Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you."

Read a Christian book or listen to a Christian podcast.

The Bible is a great tool to building your relationship with the Lord; however it's not the only way you can get to know Him. In the modern world, we are addicted to our smart phones and the television. A lot of times, these are just noise, distraction, and "fillers" for your time. They don't put God on your radar. Instead, check out a Christian book or subscribe to a Christian podcast. These are great ways to keep yourself entertained and fill up your extra free-time with something productive. They don't have to be serious or boring, either. There are even Christian comedians out there you can look into.

Make your faith a family affair.

Growing closer to God can start right in your home. When you put God first, it sets an example for the rest of your family to follow suit. God should be at the center of your family, so grab your spouse and kids and get them out to church. When you look for ways to share God together, you will build stronger relationships with each other as well. Some ways you can share God as a family unit is by praying together, volunteering as a group at Christian ministries, or by completing a devotional and having a round table discussion about what you learned.

Share God with those who may not know Him.

Did you know that you might be the only Christian someone will ever meet? There are people all around the world that will never encounter a Bible, so you should always be living out the Bible in everything you do. You do not need to force God on them, but instead gift them with knowledge about Christ is they are receptive to listening. Your testimony is powerful; you just need to find the courage to share it with others. When you do, you are putting God at the forefront of your mind and doing His work.

When you decide to serve God with your whole heart and make Him first in your life, your spirit will flourish. You also will have a brighter, more joyous outlook on life. You will finally be at peace. Remember to lean on Him more than anything else, and tell Him, “God, I want to do this, but I can’t do it without You.” He doesn’t expect you to live for Him in your own strength or ability, so He will give you the tools you need to succeed.

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