
10 Christian Tees to Capture Your Faith

Compiled by Sherry Huang

Summer's on the way and cool t-shirts are a great way to welcome it.

We've turned our attention to t-shirts with Christian themes, like the one shown above, "Believer," a design inspired by the "Hello, My Name Is" sticker. Some of the designs here are irreverent, especially with their familiar pop culture references. We hope you'll keep an open mind to see which designs truly speak--and project--your personal beliefs.

Click through our gallery of humorous Christian t-shirts.

Like the tee shown above? Buy it here.

Sherry Huang is an associate editor at Beliefnet.


The iconic blue-and-red Obama image seen everywhere during the 2008 presidential elections gets a new poster boy: Jesus, the hope (and savior) of the world.

Like the tee? Buy it here.

Jesus Is My Homeboy

After designer Van Zan Frater was saved from gang members by uttering the phrase "Jesus is my homeboy," he created this tee to immortalize the moment. Show others who has your back.

Like the tee? Buy it here.

My Dad Created the Universe and All I Got Was This Lousy T-shirt

A t-shirt within a t-shirt: Jesus gives off a chill vibe with his pink-tinted aviator sunglasses, pink cuff, and t-shirt with edgy words.

Like the tee? Buy it here.

Be Right Back (BRB)

Clever and concise, this tee mixes an old-world painting with new-world lingo. On the cross, Jesus uses an instant messaging acronym to tell his disciples that he will return to earth.

Like the tee? Buy it here.

Jesus Saves

Not only does Jesus save souls, he also saves goals. Reimagined as a fierce ice hockey player, Jesus scores one for his team with his biblical teammate, Moses...

Like the tee? Buy it here.

Gospel Girl

Inspired by the popular teen drama "Gossip Girl," this tee allows you to channel a good side instead by showing yourself as a "Gospel Girl." Don't forget to text message your friends the good news.  XOXO!

Like the tee? Buy it here.

Junior High Jesus

You can practically hear the cheerleader chant in the background: "We love Jesus, yes we do. We love Jesus, how about you?" Check "Yes" on your note to declare your love for you-know-who.

Like the tee? Buy it here.

Stay Out of Hell

In a twist on the orange "Get Out of Jail Free" card from Monopoly, this tee shows how salvation is your best move for avoiding hell.

Like the tee? Buy it here.

Follow Mii

If you've ever played Wii and constructed your own avatar (AKA Mii), you'll see why this digitized Jesus, who asks you to "Come and follow Mii," is a cool design.

Like the tee? Buy it here.

I've Got This Weird Feeling...

Still searching for Jesus? Well, he has a funny feeling you are, too. A humorous tee for the Christian psychologist in your life.

Like this tee? Buy it here.

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