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In airing "Jesus and Paul," ABC News and Peter Jennings have begun an important and fascinating dialogue. They know, and we know, that a documentary like that cannot possibly convey all views or information.

That's why Beliefnet is providing an opportunity for you to learn more and speak out. In each area, you can:

Learn More - We offer dozens of articles and commentary from scholars and writers representing a wide variety of viewpoints--including those who disagree with the premise of the show. We have also assembled a collection of web resources and suggested books.

Speak Out - Articles have "instant letter-to-the-editor" message boards right next to them so you and other users can react directly to the thoughts of the writer. We have also set up a special message board area where you can talk about particular aspects of Paul's life or the general subjects.
Beliefnet Interviews Peter Jennings
The anchor discusses Paul, Jesus, and the show. Read the interview.

Reviews of the Show
Someone Good--Thumbs Up
Charlotte Allen--Thumbs Down

Featured Articles
Paul in Powerpoint
Good Works vs. Good Faith
by A. Lutheran Scholar
Did Paul Found Christianity?
by Another Scholar
Paul in the Bible
Read some quotes

See ABCNEWS.com's multimedia presentation on "The Search for Jesus."

Assess Your Knowledge - Take the Paul quiz.

A Jewish Look at Jesus by David Wolpe
A Christian Responds to a Jewish View of Jesus by Richard Mouw
An Islamic Look at Jesus by Michael Wolfe
Comparing Buddha and Jesus by Thich Nhat Hanh

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