2016-06-30 2016-06-30

Over the centuries, millions of people have found solace and peace in the psalmist's words. Experience the power and comfort of the 23rd Psalm in this audiovisual devotional.
Free Flash Player required; download it here. Netscape users: Use 56k version.
  Click for 56k version
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Study Guide: Questions to reflect on as you read the psalm.

Message Boards: Share what Psalm 23 means to you, discuss
favorite psalms, or talk about other Bible passages.

Art design and animation: Kaeshi Chai
Music: Mother Ann Lee arranged by Ana Hernandez on the CD Eternal Spirit
Vocals: Ana Hernandez
Weighted farm bell: Susan F. Jones
Spoken-word voiceover: Beth Kucharzyk with thanks to Mark Dann Recording
Editorial direction: Laura Sheahen
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