
I was raised in another, more fundamental and rigid tradition. I love the freedom that being a United Methodist gives me to explore and question, and yes, even to doubt sometimes. I love knowing that God gave us minds and expects us to use them. I love the fact that we don't all have to believe exactly the same things to be United Methodists and that we not only "allow" that freedom, we celebrate our diversity. I love the call to social responsibility that our church offers to us, and the opportunities that we are given to put our faith into action. I love this church which has been my home for almost thirty years and feel so blessed that God called me into it.

-- jwest

[Methodism] was good balance between my Catholic boyhood and the Evangelical and Charismatic churches I attended.

In reading the documents before joining the church, I saw no conflict in my beliefs. They said we are saved by grace through faith in the Lord Jesus. I have also check out the official web site for the UMC and my Charismatic beliefs are completely accepted.

I have the freedom to worship as God leads me. I am taught to put feet to my faith in helping others. I can go as far as the Lord leads me in spiritual growth.

The church never knocks other faith groups, is against predjudice in any form.

I am very happy God brought me into the Methodist church.

-- BigRaff

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