In his book The Yes Anxiety: Taming the Fear of Commitment, Presbyterian minister Blaine Smith describes four steps that individuals can take to find healing from their fear of commitment.

1 - Understand what scares you and why. At every point where commitment is threatening, individuals need to "reshape [their] outlook to more accurately reflect how God sees the Christian life," Smith says.

2 - Recognize your mood swings and emotions. When the panic of commitment sets in, fear can take on a life of its own. It is important for individuals to recognize these emotions and to develop practical ways to stop the panic cycle, Smith says.

3 - See the benefit of a commitment. Many people understand that they need to commit but don't recognize what they will gain from a specific commitment, he says.

4 - Take steps that frighten you. "The time comes when it's important to make commitments even though some fears and doubts remain," Smith says. Doing so can convince you that you have the ability to make successful commitments.

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