2018-05-21 2018-05-21

Text by Sherry Huang and Nicole Symmonds

Now that Pope Benedict is making his first visit to the U.S., expect vendors to plaster his face on everything from t-shirts to mugs to lollipops (that's what vendors around the Vatican did when he was ordained). Even Build-a-Bear Workshops in Washington D.C. are creating special B16 teddy bear t-shirts to celebrate his visit.

Take a peek at our gallery to see what other unusual, irreverent, and humorous pope-centered items can be found (and purchased) at your whim.

Pope Benedict Bobble Head

Add to your bobble head collection by including one of Pope Benedict with a Jon Voight-ish grin. Want another conversation piece? Check out the one of the late Pope John Paul II.

Pope on a Rope Soap

Isn't it exciting to know that you can carry the pope with you wherever you go? Just when you thought soap couldn't get any better, his Holiness can escort you to the showers and bless all your 2000 parts.

'The Enforcer' T-shirt

When he was still Cardinal Ratzinger, Pope Benedict earned the nickname 'The Enforcer' because of his strict defense of church doctrine. Proudly support those hardball tactics with this t-shirt of him wielding a hooked staff to drive away heretics.

Pope Beer (Papst-Bier)

Jesus kept the wedding party at Cana going when he turned water into wine. Now the pope will help us drink righteously and responsibly with Papst-Bier, a lager created in honor of Benedict.

'I Love My German Shepherd' Beer Stein

Drink your chilled Papst-Bier in the humorous 'I Love My German Shepherd' beer stein. Show your preferred taste for German beer and for the German pope by saluting Benedict's ancestry and his role as a shepherd for all Catholics.

Pope Benedict Nutcracker

Ideally, this would be the perfect gift for the devout Catholic and pope supporter in your life...Too bad it's so expensive--$360--it would be considered a sin.

Pope John Paul II Air Freshener

Bless your car by hanging a Pope John Paul II air freshener from your rearview mirror. Let "the aroma of Christ" (2 Corinthians 2:15) give your car a gloriously clean (and holy) scent.

Papa Ratzi Onesie

Proverbs 22:15 says, "Train up a child in the way he should go." With this onesie, your child will be well on his or her way to becoming an "enforcer."

The Pope's Cologne

Are you worried that your life isn't the sweet fragrance that God desires? Fear not, for a fragrance has been created with you in mind. Try Pope Pius IX cologne, which has notes of violet and citrus, and see if the Father isn't well pleased with your offering.

Pope John Paul II Action Figure

Bobble heads not your thing? Here's an action figure of Pope John Paul II (looking like an older George Peppard or Leslie Nielsen, depending on who you ask) in detailed pope gear. Fall asleep to the sound of his voice speaking 22 phrases in English.

5 Patron Saints For Healing
Catholics believe that the prayers of the saints in heaven are very powerful. The following five saints are well-known for their help with healing. Read next feature >
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