Beliefnet editor's note: The material quoted in the New York Post article below is taken from a brief opinion piece distributed by the Vatican agency Fides. What is described as an edict is more accurately commentary by Andrea Piersanti, president of an Italian Catholic film organization. Mr. Piersanti has collaborated on film symposia with top officials at the Vatican's Pontifical Council for Culture and helped organize the Vatican's Millennium Spiritual Film Festival.

The Vatican is cross with stars who wear crucifixes as jewelry - and wants stunners like Jennifer Aniston, Catherine Zeta-Jones and Jennifer Lopez to take them off.

The edict from the Vatican news agency Fides slammed the trio and other celebs for turning jewel-encrusted crosses into "the mania of the moment."

It called the crucifix "sacred" and said using it as a fashion item is outrageous.

"Crosses glitter around the necks of television show-women, leading models and actresses," the agency raged in a scathing editorial.

"Jennifer Aniston, star of 'Friends' and wife of Brad Pitt, wears a cross of platinum and diamonds. Naomi Campbell has a collection of enormous, jewel-studded crosses.

"Catherine Zeta-Jones exhibits a cross of gold and diamonds. This mania is incomprehensible." Also blasted were Cher and Liz Hurley.

"Is it consistent with the Gospel to spend millions on a copy of the sacred symbol of the Christian faith," the critic asked, "and perhaps forget there are people all over the world who suffer and die of hunger?"

Cher spokeswoman Liz Rosenberg said: "Why don't you tell the pope to clean up his own house."

Pricey Manhattan jewelers Harry Winston and Tiffany's don't carry crucifixes, but they do have some big-ticket crosses.

Winston charges $6,500 to $15,000 for crosses. At Tiffany's, the priciest cross is $20,000.

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