Debating Gay Priests

In Defense of Gay Priests
A seminarian at an international Jesuit theology center says gay priests are not to blame for the current scandals. By Church Colbert. From The Advocate.

Dignity/USA Response
Official response of the organization for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgendered Catholics to the sex abuse scandals. Expresses concerns about the laying of blame for the scandals on gay priests.

Rainbow Sash Movement
Organization of gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered Catholics. Site includes response to recent Vatican statements on gay priests and other coverage.

National Gay and Lesbian Task Force
Calls for the Church to stop scapegoating gay priests.

The Gay Priest Problem
Rev. Paul Shaughnessy asks, "Is there an epidemic of homosexuality in the priesthood?"

Goodbye! Good Men
A new book seeks to expose the dominant 'gay culture' of Catholic seminaries, which the author, Michael S. Rose, says discourages many straight Catholic men from entering the priesthood.

Official Catholic Teaching on Homosexuality & Gay Priests

Catechism Excerpts on Sexuality
Includes the Church stances on homosexuality, chastity, and other sexuality issues.

Vatican Spokesman & Gay Priests Debate
According to this Catholic News Service article, the Vatican is considering a new document on the ordination of gay priests. Article mentions the 1961 statement banning gay priests, often cited by Catholics opposed to the ordination of gay priests.

Homosexuality and Hope
A report from the Catholic Medical Assocation which "counters the myth that same-sex attraction is genetically predetermined and unchangeable and offers hope for prevention and treatment." Supports the teachings of the Catholic Church and offers suggestions for how gay people can live in communion with the Church.

Additional Resources

Homosexuality and Catholicism Bibliography
List of books and reviews on the issue.
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