  • Pope John Paul II's Statement to President Bush
  • Bush's Statement to Pope John Paul II

    CASTEL GANDOLFO, Italy (AP) - Pope John Paul II urged President Bush to bar using human embryos for medical research, saying Monday that America has a moral responsibility to reject actions that ``devalue and violate human life.''

    Bush said later that he was not surprised by the pope's admonition and will take it into consideration as he makes his decision on whether to allow federal funding for such research.

    ``He's sent a consistent word throughout the (Catholic) church and society that we ought to take into account the preciousness of life,'' Bush said.

    He said his decision revolves around ``the need to balance value and respect for life with the promise of science in the hope of saving life.''

    Bush made his comments at a news conference with Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi.

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