Reprinted with permission from Mindful Recovery: A Spiritual Path to Healing from Addiction by Thomas Bien, Ph.D. and Beverly Bien, M.Ed., copyright John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

A shower is a great opportunity to be aware and enjoy what is happening in the present moment. You can tune in to the many pleasant sensations: the warmth of the water, the contact with your physical being, the sounds, the fragrance of the soap, the sense of being away from other things and having a few moments to yourself. Unfortunately, we often miss the oportunity to enjoy our shower in this way because we are occupied with our plans, worries, and fears.

We suggest you start with only one moment of mindfulness. Allow yourself a little extra time for this activity. Make it a time of peace. Be aware of your breathing. When you find yourself moving ahead to what you will do next, or dwelling on something in the past, gently come back to the present. In this way, daily activities that were neutral or even annoying can be turned into moments of being awake, aware, and alive. You can realize that you are happy and that you have no toothache. That is, you can become aware of the many things that are right. Then, when you are able to do this one thing in a mindful way, you may want to add another area to your moments of mindfulness.

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