Healing Meditation (6:32)
By visualizing and feeling our bodies imbued with calmness--and letting go of anxiety--we can begin to embody peace and joy.

Sit comfortably, in a chair or on a cushion on the floor, with the eyes closed while you listen to the audio.

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Biography of Tulku Thondup

Tulku Thondup Rinpoche was born in Golok, Eastern Tibet in 1939. At the age of four he was recognized as the reincarnation of Kome Khenpo, a celebrated scholar and adept of Dodrupchen monastery, a famous institute of the Nyingma school. Tulku studied at Dodrupchen and in 1958 settled in India. He taught at Indian universities for more than a decade before moving to the United States in 1980, where he became a Visiting Scholar at Harvard until 1983. He has published many original Tibetan Buddhist works and translations, including "Masters of Meditation and Miracles," "The Practice of Dzogchen," and the highly successful "The Healing Power of Mind," translated into nearly 20 languages. His latest book is "Boundless Healing." He lives in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
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