Mr. Graham will require some days of rest and recuperation at home before returning completely to his usual routine. He continues to be focused on manuscript development for a new book project on the subject of salvation, and the focus of his seven decade preaching ministry.

He also remains enthused about the My Hope evangelistic campaign which is to coincide with his 95th birthday in November 2013.

“Mr. Graham had a quick recovery and responded very well to his treatment,” said Daniel Fertel, MD, Mission Hospital pulmonologist. “Catching these types of pulmonary infections early is crucial for a fast recovery, as was the case for Mr. Graham. Despite this illness he remains remarkably healthy for a 93-year-old man.”

Mr. Graham kept his routine and enjoyed visits from family members while also interacting with medical staff that put him in good spirits throughout his stay.

“I am grateful for the exceptional care I received at Mission Hospital,” said Mr. Graham. “It is never easy going to the hospital, but the doctors and nurses here provided me with wonderful care. Mission Hospital employs a dedicated team of professionals that administered prompt treatment to restore my health and allow me to return home quickly.”

“I am also grateful for the prayers and letters I received from people across the country and around the world during my short stay," Mr. Graham continued. "Such an outpouring of love and support is always a blessing but was especially appreciated during my hospitalization.”

After being admitted to Mission Hospital early Sunday morning, Mr. Graham spent part of the morning watching his grandson, Will Graham, on television preaching at First Baptist Church of Spartanburg S.C. Later, he enjoyed a visit from his daughter, Gigi, and one of his grandchildren. They ate lunch together and enjoyed a relaxing afternoon.

The 93-year-old evangelist watched the closing ceremony of the London Olympics from his bed on Sunday evening. "The ceremony brought back fond memories of various crusades Mr. Graham held in the UK and in Rio de Janeiro, the host city for the next Summer Olympics, over seven decades of public ministry," said Mr. Graham's spokesman, A. Larry Ross.

Mr. Graham was previously hospitalized for successful treatment of pneumonia in November, 2011.

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