
A recent synagogue attack in Jerusalem raises concerns on the safety of worship. A deadly terrorist attack in the Har Nof neighborhood West of Jerusalem this month interrupted morning prayers at 7:00 a.m. Two Palestinian cousins from, East Jerusalem walked into Bnei Torah synagogue wielding meat cleavers, axes and guns brutally murdering four rabbis who were worshiping and in standing prayer. A police officer was also killed trying to save the victims, and seven others were wounded.

There are over 10,000 synagogues in the country and following a stabbing attack in the Jewish Community of Alon Shvut in November and a car attack killing a baby at a light rail station in October, synagogues are being proactive. Some are holding guns on the premises. Communities should be on alert.

JNS reported on synagogue safety in-depth and terrorists that attack a synagogue are attacking the “heart of the Jewish people.” In Ra’anana, worshippers are taking shifts to guard the premises at the Kinor David synagogue.

“By attacking people in a synagogue, they attacked us where it hurts the most, literally at the heart of the Jewish people,” said board member Gabie Sykora. “

Kinor David has had congregants taking guard shifts since the second intifada, and in the wake of the Har Nof attack is considering bolstering security further with an armed guard.”

The Israeli police force will be on high alert for potential copy cat and other suspicious activities.

After the Nov. 18 incident the Israeli Government revoked the citizenship of the wife on one of the terrorist and she will not be able to collect any government funding or National Insurance benefits. Abu Jamal was able to live in the country since her spouse was a resident. The bill to revoke citizenship of terrorist and their families was brought to the Knesset Nov. 6 by Shimon Ohayon.

“This is an alternative to the absurd situation we are in, in which terrorists enjoy the privileges the State of Israel grants to its citizens,” Ohayon told the Jerusalem Post.

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