In a world full of making the masses feel good with watered-down versions of the Bible and our personal walk filled with compromises—has our faith become diluted, or are we just out of balance?
In his new book Raising Abel: The Life of Faith Ron Ragotzy, MD explores the story of Cain and Abel to demonstrate the ways that our sinful nature impacts our faith. The juxtaposed brothers from Genesis teach of the need to view the world through the heart not the head and keeping a direct relationship with God at the center of everything. Relying on pastors and feel-good messages for all of our Biblical teachings can weaken the muscle of faith; we must strive to study scripture on our own to understand and depend on God’s unconditional love. Just as Cain fell into the trap of sinful worldliness, so can we through the modern dilution of truth.
So what can we do to prevent our faith from becoming diluted?
- Put God First. “Jesus said the most important commandment of all is to love God with all your heart and soul and mind and strength (Mark 12:29-30).”
- Have morning time with Jesus. Simply focus on Him and presence before you start the day .
- Back up sermons with scripture, research scripture yourself.
- Do a spiritual self check. Have you read the Bible lately, prayed, or honestly examined your walk?
- If you drifted away, repent and forgive yourself for straying.
- Ask for discernment, renewed faith, and to stand strong in His truth.
- Activate your faith and trust by handing circumstances over to God.