
Have you seen the movie the movie “Idiocracy?” The cult comedy showed how the human race in the future where human intelligence has vanished. People couldn’t think for themselves, they followed anything that felt good, couldn’t read or spell, and elected people based on popularity—not experience. Where was their faith?

Most didn’t have it they were too busy on technology, eating tubes of butter watching obesity-loaded reality television. If you think it’s fictional--look around you. If you think it is just for unbelievers, rethink that again.

This all translates to our faith walk for today, and we are headed for trouble. We have a choice to think and follow the Bible. Not what the preacher shares on Sunday. Not what our faith applications say on our phones, or what the media shares.

We don’t think for ourselves as it is more work for us to do. No one is exempt. Living in a high-octane society--we have become spectators of faith not participators. Not to bash technology, it is an amazing tool that blesses all of us. It helps us reconnect to the Word, and gives encouragement. The internet helps spread the Gospel all over the world.

But do we look into scriptures ourselves, do we research the teachings, or  are they backed up by scripture.  Maybe your one of the few, but when it comes to making life easy we jump onboard and sometimes we don’t challenge others and ourselves during the faith walk.

Pastors are amazing, but they are human as everyone else. They do the work and we feast. Make a decision today to think for yourself. We’ve been deeply rooted in Christ but the little things are making us a puppet.  If we hear a message,  go to the Book and verify it. Read and study it. Create your own foundation.

We have power and authority. As a society and followers of Christ we’ve moved to cookie-cutter religion or motivational speeches. Pastors are amazing, but they are human as everyone else. They do the work and we feast. Listening too much to what others are saying? Do you the work and research it--make a decision today to think for yourself.

Read scripture yourself, pray yourself, and continue to grow. You can't live on anothers faith all the time.

Ephesians 3:17-19: "So that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith; and that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled up to all the fullness of God."

We need to take an active part in life, faith, and use our God-given talents to press through despite the pressure to conform. If something is sin, call it sin. We can't so that today, or we are scene as judgmental. Refuse to play it safe—live out faith.You can do this and remain respectful of others.  Live a life with purpose and be an active participator. We have power and authority. As a society and followers of Christ we’ve moved to cookie-cutter religion,  motivational speeches, what feels good.

It is by grace we can do this as written in 1 Corinthians 15:10.

“But by the grace of God I am what I am, and his grace to me was not without effect. No, I worked harder than all of them--yet not I, but the grace of God that was with me.”

We don’t have to be like the people “Idiocracy.”

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