
If you think that people of faith don’t support climate change initiatives—think again. In September over 1,000 organizations made up of all denominations and faiths protested in New York City for the People’s Climate March during the UN Climate Summit organized by Ban Ki-moon.

Global leaders in government, business, and finance came together to announce commitments that are critical in keeping global temperature from rising increasing no more than two degrees, according to the UN’s website.The eight key action areas are agriculture, finance, transportation, cities, energy, forests, industry and resilience.

Sister Didi Madden of the Dominican Sisters in Committed in Collaboration explained to the HuffPost that creation is a gift and we need to take care of it.

“When we destroy creation we are throwing away something that is precious and God-given,” she said as part of 400,000 who showed up to march.

Religious leaders are acknowledging this by spreading the word and taking action by getting involved like the Interfaith Summit on Climate Change, event hosted by World Council of Church. Over 150 religious leaders met from around the globe to discuss climate change.

Environmentalists from Pagan, Muslim, Hindu and Buddhism’s backgrounds banded together for the events and workshops.

“We had Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, and then Christians from the different denominations and representatives of indigenous peoples,” said WCC program director in Geneva Guillermo Kerber told Deutsche Welle.

“There were two cardinals from the Roman Catholic Church and the archbishop emeritus from Sweden, who is the president of the World Council of Churches. Different sheiks from Africa and from the Middle East, different rabbis and significant Evangelical leaders from the US like Jim Wallis attended. So I think it was quite representative of top leaders in different religions.”

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