holy spirit dove

Have you ever experienced a special manifestation of the Spirit’s gifts? The Holy Spirit is an integral element of the Trinity. As surprising as it may be, many Christians do not understand what the Holy Spirit is not. When they are called to something or feel a certain intensity, oftentimes, they credit the Holy Spirit. Sometimes this is due to not knowing the history and then there are times when the unexplained areas are misconstrued.

So, let’s set the record straight and identify the things the Holy Spirit is not.

#1 The Holy Spirit is Not Sporadic

Yes, the Spirit has produced beautiful things but all of it because of hard work and diligence. A great example of this truth occurred when foreign rulers were drawn to the extraordinary spirit of God in Daniel. Instead of being over the top, Daniel choose to eat simple, reject ambition and put forth a great deal of effort when studying. Ultimately, he refused to climb the ladder of success by associating and depending on Israelites trained by the Babylonians.

In most cases, the extraordinary nature of the Spirit’s work is generally recognized when the average human being shouts from the roof tops about its greatness. The humble person will not exploit the greatness because they are continuously putting in the hard work and spreading the wealth of the Spirit’s wonders.

#2 The Spirit’s Work is Not Over the Top

The Spirit does not come in spurts. Every breath we breath in is because of God’s Spirit. If the Spirit were, in fact, sporadic we wouldn’t have the air to survive. Moreover, Christians wouldn’t survive spiritually if they really though God’s spirit would only be available on a whim. Christians worship a God that stands the test of time and never leaves his people behind. He sacrificed His life for others.

Job 27:3-4 provides a great example to back this. “As long as my breath is in me and the spirit of God is in my nostrils, my lips will not speak falsehood.” It’s evident, from the beginning, God breathed life into Adam.

#3 The Spirit is Not Overly Commanding and Authoritative

One of the best displays of the Spirit’s reservations is in Isaiah 42:1-2. “He will not grow faint or be crushed until he has established Justine in the earth; and the coastlands wait for his teaching.” Basically, that sums it up – the Spirit does not need to be overly commanding or authoritative.

People that shout out, from the roof tops, are not respected because the majority of Christians view this as boasting. However, the individual that teaches quietly, patiently and without fanfare is deemed as a leader and authentic. The Spirit is humble and does not need added attention or exposure.

#4 The Spirit is Not Safe and Gentle

What does Mark 1:12 say? “And the Spirit immediately drove him out into the wilderness.” Yes, the Holy Spirit drove out Jesus just like Jesus drove out demons, drove out leprosy, and drove out the money changers from the temple.

Does the Holy Spirit do amazing things? Yes, absolutely. Does the Holy Spirit change lives? Yes. Does the Holy Spirit make the impossible possible? Yes, of course! But the key is none of that is possible without blood, sweat and tears. Everything worth anything takes hard work. If you want to grow spiritually, you must not believe the Spirit will coddle you. Remember, the Holy Spirit understands that people learn more when the odds are against them – when they are the underdog. The Spirit is always working and knows what you are capable of accomplishing.

#5 The Holy Spirit is Not a Force or Power

Genesis 1:26-27 states: “Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.” So, God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.”

The Bible informs us that the Holy Spirit is a person. Not only does he live in every believer, but he allows us to live as a new creation in Christ. If the Spirit was just a power or force, then his followers wouldn’t be able to have a relationship with Him. Scripture explains that God is one in three persons – the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. He created man in this same likeness – a Spirit, possessing a soul, and living in a physical body.

#6 The Holy Spirit is Not Accepted by More Spiritual Christians

People who are not Christians often believe the Spirit can only be encountered by those who are the most spiritual. But this is somewhat of an oxymoron, right? Can someone be more spiritual than someone who believes they are spiritual? Throughout scripture it states, “the Spirit of God dwells in [all Christians] not only the higher class “Spirit-filled” Christians.”

Therefore, it is evident that the Holy Spirit can be experienced by everyone. There are no stipulations or credentials to be met.

Nevertheless, the Holy Spirit is amongst us – all the time and everywhere. Christians should never question His existence or methodology. It’s important to thoroughly understand what the Spirit is doing in our day-to-day lives and how we can live a more dedicated life to all of the blessings made possible because of Him.

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