Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I
Winning the U.S. Congregational Gold Medal and Sophie Prize, this leader of the Orthodox Christian Church also makes a profound impact in environmental protection. Claiming, "Crime against the natural world is a sin," Bartholomew I brings leaders in science, journalism, and politics together to address environmental concerns, particularly that of marine preservation. Sometimes called "The Green Patriarch", he strives "Even if we are ignorant of the harm we diminish His divine creation."
The Dalai Lama
Founded on the idea that a basic human right is that to a clean environment, the Dalai Lama has worked tirelessly for protecting wildlife, among other environmental concerns. He was listed in the U.K. Environment Agency's top 100 green campaigners of all-time in 2006, and places and emphasis on being kind towards the planet. The Dalai Lama states on ecology issues, "It is therefore part of our responsibility towards others to ensure that the world we pass on is as healthy, if not healthier, than we found it."
Reverend Sally Bingham
Belonging to such groups as Interfaith Power & Light Campaign and The Regeneration Project, this Episcopal priest works with Christians, Jews, and Muslims alike to encourage using more environmental-friendly lighting systems. As the head of The Regeneration Project, the group of various religious leaders has taken the concern of global warming all the way to the White House and the U.S. Congress. Winning the Energy Globe Award in 2002 and the Green Power Leadership Pilot Award, this California environmental minister is making a tremendous difference.
Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams
"Celebrate and care for every part of God's creation," is Rowan Williams' moral duty for people of the Christian faith. He has been active by launching "Shrinking the Footprint," an environmental campaign stretching across churches and the United Kingdom. By his report at the General Synod meeting, he urges to carpool, recycle, buy fairly traded merchandise, and also use wine and bread for Holy Communion that's organic.