Rabbi Adin SteinsaltzRabbi Adin Steinsaltz is internationally regarded as one of the greatest rabbis of this century and the last. Rabbi Steinsaltz has been a resident scholar at Yale University, the Institute for Advanced Studies at Princeton, and the Woodrow Wilson Institute in Washington, D.C. Rabbi Steinsaltz has also founded a network of educational institutions and outreach programs in the United States, Israel, the CIS, and Great Britain. He is the recipient of the prestigious Israel Prize and the French Order of Arts and Literature. Best known for his translation of and commentary on the Talmud (with final chapters set to be completed in the next four years), Rabbi Steinsaltz has written over 60 books and hundreds of articles on a wide variety of topics including Kabbalah and Hasidism. Rabbi Steinsaltz's book, "The Thirteen Petalled Rose," which he describes as "a little book for the soul," was recently re-released and his most recent book, "Understanding The Tanya," is now available.
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