Photo submitted by Beliefnet reader Jen L.
How do you celebrate the holidays? Whether it's Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa or Yule, Beliefnet wants to feature our readers' unique celebrations. Email us photos, video or audio that reflect the spiritual meaning of your holiday. Please include a short description (3-5 sentences) of the photo that explains why it expresses the sacred nature of the holiday. Then check back on December 23 to see if we've selected yours.

Ideas include:

  • a digital photo of an unusual creche (manger) scene
  • your web video of a special menorah-lighting ceremony
  • a photo of a Kwanzaa gift that brought smiles
  • an audio file of your choir singing a religious carol
  • short video of your child's Nativity play
  • short video of a Yule ceremony
  • photos of a yard decoration with a unique spiritual spin
  • video of children playing dreidel


  • Photos must be in .jpg or .gif format and be less than 200K
  • Audio must be in a standard format and be less than 5 minutes
  • Video must be in a standard format and be less than 5 minutes
  • Submission must have a clear religious or spiritual theme

    If you prefer not to email large files, you may also direct us to a website where your audio or video is located.

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