
First, has Hurricane Katrina affected you--or your family and friends? Beliefnet seeks photos and first-person stories dealing with the spiritual effects of the storm.

Hurricane KatrinaExamples include:
  • Photos of groups praying for those affected
  • Photos of houses of worship affected by the hurricane
  • Inspiring stories of faith and courage amid the flood
  • Stories of Good Samaritans or angels

  • Second, how has your own house of worship or spiritual community reacted to the crisis? If you attended services, what did your clergy leader say that touched you most? Or were you disappointed? What, if anything, is your house of worship doing to help? Do you have ideas for what other religious communities can do?

    Please e-mail your photos and first-person stories (no more than 300 words) to hurricanekatrina@beliefnetstaff.com. While your e-mail address will not be used for any purpose, Beliefnet would like to use your first name, last initial, and hometown if we publish your images or stories in our feature, so please include that information in your email. If you submit a photograph, please also include caption information indicating where and when it was taken, and what it shows. Note: By submitting these images or stories you are authorizing their unrestricted use by Beliefnet.com.

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