Sept. 4, 2003

Dear Friends,

Soon you'll be off to the Emerald Isle, the "Land of Saints and Scholars." I so looked forward to being with you, but a serious medical emergency has made it impossible. I will be well and better than ever, but right now I cannot risk my health by traveling.

I will miss being with you, but rejoice because Fr. Tom Renaud and Sr. Susan Ryan from Holy Hill will amply bless you in my place with the music and liturgies we'd originally planned. And I'll be there at Holy Hill with you in spirit, and incarnationally, too, especially in the garden at Cieran Hermitage, which I created so lovingly in the shape of a Celtic Cross.

May the "Holy Trinity" of Celtic Christianity--Patrick, Brigid, and Columba, after whom our hermitages on "the hill" are named--shower your pilgrimage with special graces.

With love and regrets,

Mother Tessa
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