2016-06-30 2016-06-30
Ancient Egyptian Religion: An Interpretation
By Henri Frankfort

A Dictionary of Egyptian Gods and Goddesses
By George Hart
(Wonderful reference!)

Conceptions of God in Ancient Egypt: The One and the Many
By Erik Hornung
(Ground-breaking book!)

Daily Life of the Egyptian Gods
By Dimitri Meeks and Christine Favard-Meeks
(This is one of my favorite books on Kemetic Religion)

Introduction to African Religion
By John S. Mbiti, Heinemann
(Not entirely about Kemetic religion, but it is mentioned and compared to other African religions.)

Egyptian Religion
By Siegfried Morenz

Myth and Symbol in Ancient Egypt
By R.T. Rundle Clark

The Neteru of Kemet: An Introduction
By Tamara Siuda
(This is in the process of being revised, but it's still an excellent beginner's book and treats the religion as a living faith.)

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