Create a Prayer Circle

Margie M.
"Our hours have been cut and it's hurting me a lot financially."

Cheryl N.
"Our company is being sold and we will all be unemployed soon."

D. Green
"I can't seem to get a permanent job...being a contractor, I don't have job stability, no days off, no profit sharing, and no good benefits."

Tecompla W.
"I lost my job due to Sept. 11, I might be losing my apartment too. Please pray for me so that I can find a job soon and get out of my darkness and self-imposed prison."

Ciatta Marshall
"My current position is being eliminated because of outsourcing. I ask for your prayers and God's guidance so that I can get a new and better job before the time comes. The economy is not looking good and I do not want to be jobless."

j r w
"I've been looking for work for many months. It's been a lonely and humbling journey. I recognize that I cannot do it alone and have prayed daily for the Lord's assistance."

Those who have been laid off or face layoffs
"Our personal well-being, the support of our families as well as our sense of self-worth are linked to our jobs. The prospect of losing our jobs and finding an employer who will want us and employ us can be daunting. Some of us are so afraid of rejection or are so anxious that we are paralyzed in our search for jobs. Ask that we discard pride, dishonesty, fear and resentment in our job hunt. Let job hunters be open to God's direction and positive feelings toward those with and without jobs and those who offer us jobs as well as those who do not."

Geoff K.
"We should pray, not only for my friend, but for the growing number of people who are losing their jobs daily...Times were already bad before 9/11. Companies are laying off and firing for less reasons, just to cut overhead."

All Unemployed Persons
"This society puts so much emphasis on what a person does for a living and not the kind a person he or she is. Let us pray for those who seek employment to find jobs in which they will be happy and in which the Lord's will is done."

Don T.
"I'm waiting for a decision after job interviews ... I pray that God will grant me patience to wait a few more days for the answer."

Create a Prayer Circle

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