In addition to participating in interfaith dialogue on Beliefnet--either through the new online interfaith dialogue groups or the general message boards--you may want to explore interfaith dialogue in your own community. Below are resources for creating or joining an interfaith dialogue group, as well as readings to improve your dialogue.

"Why Do You Believe That?"
Join expert interfaith moderators and your fellow Beliefnet members in Beliefnet's new interfaith dialgoue groups.

Ongoing Discussions
In addition to special the interfaith dialogue groups, find common ground on the message boards. Check out these discussions:
  • Learn About...
  • Sacred Texts
  • Jews & Muslims
  • More...
  • Join an Interfaith Dialogue Group
    Check out these links to major international, national, and regional interfaith dialogue groups and outreach organizations.

    National & International Interfaith Organizations
    Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding
    Council for a Parliament of the World Religions
    Institute for Christian and Jewish Studies
    Interfaith Alliance
    North American Interfaith Network
    Psychotherapy & Spirituality Institute
    Temple of Understanding
    Thanks-Giving Square
    United Religions Initiative
    World Council on Religion and Peace

    Regional Groups
    Interfaith Alliance of Wake County, N.C.
    Interfaith Center at the Presidio
    Interfaith Center of New York
    Interfaith Conference of Metropolitan DC
    Interfaith Working Group, Philadelphia
    State and local progressive interfaith organizations
    Suggest an organization

    Create an Interfaith Dialogue Group
    Read these suggestions for starting your own group from "What the World Needs to Know About Interfaith Dialogue" by Richard M. Landau, an interfaith dialogue consultant:
    Starting Points: Principles of Interfaith Dialogue
    How to Hold the First Meeting
    Who Is In the Group?

    How to Run Your Own Dialogue Group
    Interfaith and intrafaith dialogue guide from "Religion & Ethics Newsweekly."

    What to Know Before You Start
    Religion-specific resources about relating to members of other faiths.
    How Christians View Non-Christian Religions
    Roman Catholic Views on Other Christians and Other Religions
    United Methodist Church--Relating to Persons of Other Faiths
    Hinduism Interfaith Resources
    Guidelines for Lutheran-Jewish Relations
    Mormonism & Interfaith Relations
    A Muslim Perspective on Interfath Dialogue
    Jewish Interfaith Issues
    National Council of Churches Interfaith Commission

    Improve Your Dialogue Group
    Suggested Topics for Dialogue
    From the Alliance for Spiritual Community

    Guidelines from selected religious groups about conducting interfaith dialogue.
    World Council of Churches Guidelines for Interfaith Dialogue
    Episcopal Church Principles for Interfaith Dialogue
    ELCA Interfaith Dialogues
    Presbyterian Guidelines for Interfaith Dialogue

    Related Articles on Beliefnet

    A New Era of Interfaith Dialogue for Muslims
    In the wake of terrorist attacks, American Muslims join more active interfaith dialogue.

    Are Islam and Christianity on a Collision Course?
    Two prominent scholars of Islam debate whether Islam and Christianity can peacefully co-exist.

    Christianity Interfaith & Ecumenism Resources
    Articles, links, discussions and more.

    Jews Rethink Christianity
    Over 150 Jewish scholars have signed a statement urging Jews to learn about Christian efforts to "honor Judaism."
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