Since early last Tuesday, the Beliefnet community has been talking - trying to make spiritual and emotional sense of that day's horrifying events. One conversation that began in response to Jerry Falwell's remarks [hot link to falwell apology or news piece] has broadened into a wide-ranging exploration of users' views on the balance between God's power and humanity's free will. Consider a short sampling of the hundreds of posts and add your own.

Falwell Had a Point
Jerry Falwell's remarks here may have been insensitive in the eyes of some. But I think that if you look at the fact that he believes that this county has turned its back on the God of Christianity evidenced by those that he has included, and practices such as abortion. You may be able to see where he is coming from.
-- mike507780

Don't Blame God
God was not the cause of this attack on the American people, it was people who planned and carried out the attack. It is satan who comes to seek and destroy, not God. God gives man free will and when it is used to hurt God is there to comfort.

What's Our Responsibility?
Along with a thirst for justice, Americans now have an opportunity for repentance and soul searching. As a country, we need to examine whether our great power has led us to policies that are violent to others.
-- acamp4boys

The Cost of Free Will
This is a terrible thing that happened to us. God could have prevented it, but that would mean that He would have to take away the free will he gave us....the choice to good or evil. This was an act of evil, not a punishment from God.
-- false_prophet01

Answer Hate With Love
I was extremely saddened-not only by Jerry fallwell, but by the nastiness apparent in some of the responses. I know we all feel the need to strike out at someone and he made himself available. Intolerance and predjudice are always ugly.I believe that in this mourning period we must all practice love for one another. Certainly those who gave their lives for others at the trade center have shown us the way. Greater love hath no man than that he lay down his life for another. Let us not cheapen our sorrow with bitterness and anger at one another. Let us show that we are a people who can rise above pettiness in this terrible time.

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