The Environmental Spirit
'How I Save the Earth Every Day'
Beliefnet users recount their personal stories in helping to keep our environment alive and well in the 21st century.
Does God Love Forests More Than Cities?
The God who designed the first garden is also an urban planner. Shouldn't Earth Day celebrate cities, too? By Richard Mouw
Saving the Planet--One Idea at a Time
Here are 10 earth-friendly possibilities to strive for, courtesy of Beliefnet members.
Quiz: How Eco-Spiritually Savvy Are You?
Test your knowledge of recent news stories about religion and the environment.
Dominion Over All the Earth
Whether we follow the Bible, evolutionary science, or any world faith, we are called to care for the earth from which we came. By Cheryl M. Walker
Guarding Nature
Faith communities are injecting the environmental movement with a breath of fresh air. By Elizabeth Kadetsky
Earth Day as Tikkun Olam
How the Jewish emphasis on healing the world plays out in tackling Israel's environmental problems. By Julia C. Keller
Talking to Trees
Seven steps to getting in tune with the wisdom of nature. By Mara Freeman
Eden's Legacy
Why tending the earth gives us inner peace.
By Rabbi Balfour Brickner
Honoring Mother Earth
Earth Day helps our children understand their place in the circle of life. By Mimi Doe
Four Seasons of a Tree
An inspiring parable
A Brick, a Toy, a Comb, a Feather
I carry hope with me. By Jane Goodall
Listening To the Land
It's ecologically healthy to communicate with the earth. By Starhawk
In the Fullness of Creation
An Eastern Orthodox look at the environment.
By the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew
The Sacred Well
Digging a well makes the author aware of her connection to the earth. By Barbara Brown Taylor
Would Jesus Drive an SUV?
"If you drive an SUV, then you're 'driving' global warming." By Bill McKibben
A Scriptural Imperative
Evangelical Christians know it is necessary and biblical to care for the environment.
By the Reverend Jim Ball, Executive Director of the Evangelical Environment Network
Global Warming: A Religious Issue
We must take action on climate change.
By Robert Edgar, General Secretary of the National Council of Churches
The Religious Community's Other Stand on Global Warming
Much of the religious community is opposed to extreme environmentalism. By Michael Barkey, President of the Center for the Study of Compassionate Conservatism
Why Earth Day is a Jewish Holiday
The Hebrew Bible is filled with passages about our environmental responsibility. By Robert Rabinowitz
Earth Day Liturgies
Bless This Earth
Multifaith prayers for the natural world
From the National Council of Churches
Earth Day Sunday Resources
More liturgies from the NCC
From the Evangelical Environmental Network
A Jewish Tree Planting Ceremony