2016-06-30 2016-06-30

As a lifelong Anglican I have always appreciated that I was free to think on my own. That doesn't mean that you can believe whatever you want, but we respect the gift that God has given us of intelligence. Our tradition has been enriched for many centuries by the results of reasoned searches for truth. The tripod of Scripture, Tradition and Reason gives the chance to encounter a vital, vibrant, living God. Not one pressed, unchanging, between the pages of a book.

-- phlipside

I am Gay, and the Episcopal church is where I am least likely to be attacked with baseball bats in the name of Jesus.

Women, people of colour, have equal rights in the world-wide Anglican Communion.

I like being an Anglican because our Church has a glorious, age-old, authoritative Tradition, free from authoritarianism, clerical despotism or brutish fundamentalisms.

-- tantris

I love being an Anglican / Episcopalian. We are both biblical and sacramental. Our Book Of Common Prayer in it's many national versions throughout the world is full of Holy Scripture and yet we are not fundementalists. We are a church that struggles with the issues that divide other Christians and people of faith. Some times this struggle looks very messy to those outside our communion and they may even judge us as weak in our upholding of Holy Scripture. All Anglican no matter their category be it liberal, conservative, evangelical, catholic etc. know there will always be ambiguities in our lives as Christians. For most Anglicans our rich liturgical life embodied in the Book Of Common Prayer keeps us Anglican. Morning and Evening Prayer and The Holy Eucharist feed us regularly on Word and Sacrament. We are well fed.
-- anglicat

I love being both catholic and Protestant. Both traditions have great richness, and Anglicanism unites the best of both worlds.

-- tarrantf

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