2016-06-30 2016-06-30

Resources for Victims of Clergy Misconduct

Advocate Web
A nonprofit organization dedicated to helping victims of abuse

The Survivors of Clergy Abuse Linkup's Homepage
Major U.S. group for survivors of clergy abuse

SNAP: Survivors' Network of Those Abused by Priests
A self-help organization for men and women who were sexually abused by Catholic spiritual elders

CEASE: Clergy and Educator Abuse Survivors Empowered
A site for survivors of abuse

When Mentor Becomes Molester
A Presbyterians Today report on sexual misconduct in churches

Jewish Survivors Resources
Information and support for Jewish survivors of sexual abuse

Survivors and Victims Empowered (SAVE)
A support network for victims of physical, emotional, and sexual abuse

Survivor Connections
An activist center for survivors of incest and sexual assault

Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests

Preventing Clergy Sexual Misconduct
Prevent Sexual Misconduct
CrossWalk.com's article on sexual misconduct

Center for the Prevention of Sexual and Domestic Violence
An educational resource on abuse and religion

Reducing the Risk of Clergy Sexual Misconduct
Examples of what's happening in prevention of sexual misconduct, and what congregations can do

Safe at Church
A Christianity Today article on practical strategies for protecting children from sexual abuse

Keeping Tabs on Clergy
An application to be signed by anybody interested in working with children or young people

Resources for Clergy, Congregations, and Denominational Groups
Restoring Trust: A Response to Sexual Abuse
From the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops

Justice for Priests
Resources for priests who think they have been unfairly targetted

Saint Luke Institute
Treatment and recovery center for sexually addicted Catholic clergy and men and women religious

Interfaith Sexual Trauma Institute
ISTI promotes the prevention of sexual abuse, exploitation, and harassment through research, education, and publication.

Restoration Manual
A workbook for restoring fallen ministers and religious leaders

Sexual Abuse by Therapists, Physicians, Attorneys, and Other Professionals
Why are there prohibitions against clergy-congregant relations?

American Association of Pastoral Counselors
A code of ethics for pastors and other counselors

Evaluating a Complaint
Advice on dealing with allegations of misconduct

Manual of Policies Concerning Sexual Misconduct of Clergy or Lay Ministers
How the Episcopal diocese of Newark deals with the problem

Handling Sexual Abuse Allegations
The Roman Catholic Church's policies

Dealing Honestly With the Stresses of Ministry
An article that includes information on resources such as prevention training and screening procedures

Covering Sexual Misconduct
Call to Action
The liberal Catholic group provides a weblog of clergy abuse media stories

Clergy Abuse Tracker
Complete coverage of and links to clergy abuse media stories
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